I swear I'm not neglecting the blog... its just that my home computer died... :( I need a new monitor and possibly a new hard drive. Fortunately the old Monitor is under warranty, so that shouldn't be a problem.... Just a pain!
In other more exciting news I have added 2 more raised beds and DOUBLED the size of my garden!! I'm going to put in some more winter crops - Broccoli, Collards, Arugula, Kohlrabi, carrots, radishes, and maybe some more lettuce.
I've been working hard to eat only home grown or farmers market produce. I'm also thinking about how I want to live and eat in the future. I'm leaning towards an all natural diet consisting of lots of veggies, some local fruits, and then eventually transitioning to all home grown or local meats.
The meat transition will be the slowest. I want to start with chickens for eggs, then maybe for meat. I'd also eventually like to raise rabbit for meat. I'm currently working on designing my aquaponics system so I can raise tilapia and hydroponic veggies. I already get my beef from a local farmer and butcher.
Its all just a slow process to set up the self sustainable life I want to lead!
A life long journey into sanity, self sustainability, and becoming the person I've always wanted to be.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
NEW Hotness!
As you all know my Old Machine DIED! :( but for Christmas The Hubbs and the Rents got me THIS!
So if my old machine is OLD and BUSTED.... Then this must be NEW HOTNESS!
I can definitely feel the QUALITY!
I've just gotta make the time to tackle the sewing projects I've been amassing!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Avacado Tree
If you remember My List of Things I want To Learn and Do planting an Avocado tree is on that list....
Well I did it!!
Well the Hubby and I did it a couple of weeks ago. This is a tree my mom started about 3 years ago on her kitchen counter. She then put it in a pot for me at her house. Well 3 years later it really needed more room. So I kidnapped it and planted it! It seems to be doing great. I now I just need to fertilize it a bit and keep it from freezing over the winter and maybe in the next year it will start to give me fruit!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Herb Garden
So this is my Front herb garden before...
Its more of a weed and forgotten stuff garden in this picture.
And this is it now!
To the left are Onions, in the middle (where it looks like dirt) Garlic is starting to sprout, then to the left I have Dill, Stevia, Tarragon, Cilantro, and Oregano.
The long coiled like black thing is not the worlds longest garden snake it is in fact a soaker hose. Which may be the only way I remember to water my herbs! Now I just need to set up the wonderful timer my hubby got me and I'll be good to go!
I'm working daily to keep weeds to a minimum and that seems to have gone a long way! I want to rip out those HUGE hedges to the right in the top picture, but that is a job that will just have to wait!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
So I FINALLY have a ripe tomato! I planted these in August I think and they are JUST turning red! The bushes are covered in little green tomatoes, but they have taken ages to ripen. I finally, finally, FINALLY get to enjoy the fruit of my labor! (instead of having to steal them from my moms garden!)
Just thought I'd share that quick update with you!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
My Home Sweet Homestead
So this is my gardening area BEFORE!....
And this is it .... During......
And this is it NOW!! :)
(PS I need to weed-eat around the boxes lol!)
I currently am growing Tomatoes out the wazoo, Broccoli, Collard greens, Cauliflower, Spinach, and assorted Leaf Lettuces. I have also got my herb garden up and going so I'll post about that soon.
I'm accomplishing a lot of things, but it all feels like its going slowly. But I keep on a trudging through!
Monday, November 21, 2011
A Moment of Silence...
... for my poor poor sewing machine! I think I've had it since I was 12 (possibly longer). We've been through a lot together. The ups, the downs, the quilts, the clothes, the royal messes, and the awesome successes. Last week she finally gave up the ghost... and I haven't been quite the same since!
Although I guess its guess its a good time of year for a BIG purchase... Now to pick my NEW machine! MUAHAHAHA!! I have a feeling my new machjine will be WAY better than my 12 year old walmart special machine!!
However, the torture of having a stack of reddy to go projects waiting on a new machine is enough to drive any crafter MAD!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
I have to tell you I've VERY interested in creating a modern homestead, but I have found the books on the subject to be a bit lacking. I understand the authors problem is that they only have so many pages to give you an over view of the whole subject, but there isn't enough information in any one book to teach you to truly become proficient at any of the skills they mention. Don't get me wrong there are some GREAT books that give you an overview and details on each aspect of homesteading, but you can't teach some one to spin their own yarn in one to two pages. Everything I need to know about raising chickens can't be written in 4 pages with pretty colorful pictures.
I guess I'm just complaining that the all in one resources aren't all in one, and that I'm going to have to get out side the quick and easy route to learn more about homesteading as I put what I've learned into practice. Its just annoying that there are so many all in one books and that even though I've read probably 50 all in one books I'll still have to find books one EACH and EVERY individual subject to put it in to practice.
However, on the bright side as I learn more I'll be able to share more with you guys and MAYBE even put video out there walking you through the processes I'm going through.
So I guess I'm still in the beginning of my journey to spend less, grow more, and rely less on others for the needs of me and my family. Don't get me wrong we're not giving up deoderant, electricity, and running water..... just yet ;)
I guess I'm just complaining that the all in one resources aren't all in one, and that I'm going to have to get out side the quick and easy route to learn more about homesteading as I put what I've learned into practice. Its just annoying that there are so many all in one books and that even though I've read probably 50 all in one books I'll still have to find books one EACH and EVERY individual subject to put it in to practice.
However, on the bright side as I learn more I'll be able to share more with you guys and MAYBE even put video out there walking you through the processes I'm going through.
So I guess I'm still in the beginning of my journey to spend less, grow more, and rely less on others for the needs of me and my family. Don't get me wrong we're not giving up deoderant, electricity, and running water..... just yet ;)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Fall Garden Update
My garden is growing - and Growing - and GROWING!!
Cucumbers - man oh man are my cukes looking good! They've been taking over and I've got probably 50 little fruits all over the vines. They are climbing on EVERYTHING and it's a fight to keep them off the tomatoes.
Tomatoes- The tomatoes keep growing and getting taller, but no fruit or flowers yet.
Cantaloupe- These aren't going nearly as crazy as the cukes which is ok because I can't eat them on my current diet, but I still want them to grow! I've got flowers blooming, but no fruit yet.
Bell Peppers- Boy do these look sad - and small - they are about 3 inch tall and one has already died leaving me 2 tiny plants, but we'll see. I'm not even sure this is the right season for them - Shrug its all just one on going experiment!
Sweet Peas- They are growing and growing, but they look meh at best. The lower leaves are a bit yellow and I've only seen one bloom, but they are about 1 ft tall now and so I'll give them time.
Broccoli- When the cold (lol in Florida the 70's is cold lol) weather hit my broccoli doubled in size making it about 1 inch - sad and pathetic, plus 4 plants were eaten by bugs. So I bought some starts from the nursery, and those are doing ok - We will see!
Corn- I ripped out all the corn! For several reasons - were not eating it on our diet, it kept getting caterpillar damage, it took up a lot of room, and mom gave me collard starts!
Collard Greens- they are alive after transplanting... which is GREAT!! Its only been a few days but they look good!
Green Beans- UGGH! - What a LOT of work - I keep getting caterpillars- ones that eat and roll the leaf so I've been smushing them and trying to crush all the eggs I find, but its a never ending battle. Plus the bush beans are more like lean over and shade the collard beans which bugs me. I may have to add a string separating the 2 crops until the collards get bigger. I've eaten 1 green bean, but it was tiny. I've seen lots of flowers so more should be coming soon. I can't wait!!
Cucumbers - man oh man are my cukes looking good! They've been taking over and I've got probably 50 little fruits all over the vines. They are climbing on EVERYTHING and it's a fight to keep them off the tomatoes.
Tomatoes- The tomatoes keep growing and getting taller, but no fruit or flowers yet.
Cantaloupe- These aren't going nearly as crazy as the cukes which is ok because I can't eat them on my current diet, but I still want them to grow! I've got flowers blooming, but no fruit yet.
Bell Peppers- Boy do these look sad - and small - they are about 3 inch tall and one has already died leaving me 2 tiny plants, but we'll see. I'm not even sure this is the right season for them - Shrug its all just one on going experiment!
Sweet Peas- They are growing and growing, but they look meh at best. The lower leaves are a bit yellow and I've only seen one bloom, but they are about 1 ft tall now and so I'll give them time.
Broccoli- When the cold (lol in Florida the 70's is cold lol) weather hit my broccoli doubled in size making it about 1 inch - sad and pathetic, plus 4 plants were eaten by bugs. So I bought some starts from the nursery, and those are doing ok - We will see!
Corn- I ripped out all the corn! For several reasons - were not eating it on our diet, it kept getting caterpillar damage, it took up a lot of room, and mom gave me collard starts!
Collard Greens- they are alive after transplanting... which is GREAT!! Its only been a few days but they look good!
Green Beans- UGGH! - What a LOT of work - I keep getting caterpillars- ones that eat and roll the leaf so I've been smushing them and trying to crush all the eggs I find, but its a never ending battle. Plus the bush beans are more like lean over and shade the collard beans which bugs me. I may have to add a string separating the 2 crops until the collards get bigger. I've eaten 1 green bean, but it was tiny. I've seen lots of flowers so more should be coming soon. I can't wait!!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Things I want to learn and do
So here is a list of random things I want to learn about and do over the next ---- well eventually.
To Learn -
Basket weaving
Cheese making
Soap Making
Homemade Green Cleaners - (I already do Laundry soap)
Speak Spanish
Play Guitar
To Do-
Raise Chickens
Establish an Aquaponics system
Fence in my back yard
Plant a herb garden
Practice my Book Binding
Expand my vegetable garden
Plant fruit trees (Avacado - Citrus - Mulberry)
Plant Berry Bushes (Strawberry - raspberry - blueberry)
Try Rabbit
Build a Green House roof
Get a shed
Reduce waste
Brew Elder Flower Champagne
Small vertical hydroponics
Maybe a clothes line
Blog more consistantly
Teach others what I know!
Make and/or modify more of my own clothing
Wishful Thinking-
Perfectly Clean House
Pest Free ORGANIC garden
Ok so I know its a lot, but its what I want to do. I'm working to create a more sustainable backyard that focuses on producing more of my own food - especially fruits and vegetables. Plus fresh eggs and possible meat chickens and/or rabbits EVENTUALLY. Through Aquaponics I'll be able to grow more veg in my semi greenhouse and as a byproduct every 2 years or so I'll get to harvest fresh fish!
I'm also totally engrossed with what I call Dying Arts. The loss of the craftsman is a sad sad situation. Which is why I am apparently single handedly working to learn as much as possible. Plus I totally love learning and enjoy it and look forward to it. Its just so exciting to learn and try and experiment, so that is what I'm working on now.
I know its a little hippytastic, but it makes me happy - and isn't that all that matters?
To Learn -
Basket weaving
Cheese making
Soap Making
Homemade Green Cleaners - (I already do Laundry soap)
Speak Spanish
Play Guitar
To Do-
Raise Chickens
Establish an Aquaponics system
Fence in my back yard
Plant a herb garden
Practice my Book Binding
Expand my vegetable garden
Plant fruit trees (Avacado - Citrus - Mulberry)
Plant Berry Bushes (Strawberry - raspberry - blueberry)
Try Rabbit
Build a Green House roof
Get a shed
Reduce waste
Brew Elder Flower Champagne
Small vertical hydroponics
Maybe a clothes line
Blog more consistantly
Teach others what I know!
Make and/or modify more of my own clothing
Wishful Thinking-
Perfectly Clean House
Pest Free ORGANIC garden
Ok so I know its a lot, but its what I want to do. I'm working to create a more sustainable backyard that focuses on producing more of my own food - especially fruits and vegetables. Plus fresh eggs and possible meat chickens and/or rabbits EVENTUALLY. Through Aquaponics I'll be able to grow more veg in my semi greenhouse and as a byproduct every 2 years or so I'll get to harvest fresh fish!
I'm also totally engrossed with what I call Dying Arts. The loss of the craftsman is a sad sad situation. Which is why I am apparently single handedly working to learn as much as possible. Plus I totally love learning and enjoy it and look forward to it. Its just so exciting to learn and try and experiment, so that is what I'm working on now.
I know its a little hippytastic, but it makes me happy - and isn't that all that matters?
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Major Blog Edit and Content Shift
I've gone back through and deleted about 50 blog posts of nothing important. I've left all tutorials and posts of substance, but this blog is going to be focusing more on me and the process to become more self sufficient. I want to use it partly as a journal of my experience and also as an inspiration for others to join in if its something they are interested in.
It should be said that I'm a city girl and have no real training in ANY of this. So I'll be learning as I go, making TONS of mistakes, but most importantly having FUN! I believe that a HUGE part of something being sustainable is that you have to enjoy doing it.
I'll still be doing crafty things, I'll still be journaling, and I'll hopefully be posting a lot more because its something that I'm passionate about!
Here goes nothing!
It should be said that I'm a city girl and have no real training in ANY of this. So I'll be learning as I go, making TONS of mistakes, but most importantly having FUN! I believe that a HUGE part of something being sustainable is that you have to enjoy doing it.
I'll still be doing crafty things, I'll still be journaling, and I'll hopefully be posting a lot more because its something that I'm passionate about!
Here goes nothing!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Uggh! I've been working on my masters - and I really do want the shiny piece of paper at the end, but I'm so over the school work!!
The assignments feel pointless and overwhelming, but I am trudging on through. I gotta get my butt in motion!!
Maybe I'll just take one class in the future - especially if I am full time soon (I hope, I hope, I hope!!)
My garden is growing well, but with all the hours at work and the school assignments I don't get as much time out side as I want!
The assignments feel pointless and overwhelming, but I am trudging on through. I gotta get my butt in motion!!
Maybe I'll just take one class in the future - especially if I am full time soon (I hope, I hope, I hope!!)
My garden is growing well, but with all the hours at work and the school assignments I don't get as much time out side as I want!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Garden Fall 2011
So Thursday the 25th I planted the seeds for my garden in starter cups on the porch. I'm trying to do this fairly naturally, mostly organic, and with as little work and money as possible. I'm hoping to plant tomatoes, corn, peppers, cucumber, peas, cantaloupes, green beans, and broccoli.
Well today I went out to water my seeds and HOLY CUCUMBERS BATMAN they went from nothing to one of them is over 2 inches tall!! Awesome! - now if I can keep this up for several months I'll be sitting pretty!!
I'm hoping to finish moving and preparing my beds this week so they will have some time to soak up some summer rains and get all settled before I plant.
I'm also strongly considering planting potatoes this fall in a separate bed!
More to come!
Well today I went out to water my seeds and HOLY CUCUMBERS BATMAN they went from nothing to one of them is over 2 inches tall!! Awesome! - now if I can keep this up for several months I'll be sitting pretty!!
I'm hoping to finish moving and preparing my beds this week so they will have some time to soak up some summer rains and get all settled before I plant.
I'm also strongly considering planting potatoes this fall in a separate bed!
More to come!
Friday, August 19, 2011
On My Mind
In this weeks segment of On My Mind we learn that LuLu is completely insane and plans ahead WAY too much!
I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do for Christmas - you know presents, gifts, and holiday baking!! I want to keep this year relatively inexpensive so I might FINALLY get to take a vacation in 2012. You know like a REAL vacation where I get to leave my city, county, and state! I'm really wanting an Alaskan Cruise, but am not holding my breath for that to work out.
Any one want to pay me large sums for money for being cute, my opinion, or my leet movie reviews?
I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do for Christmas - you know presents, gifts, and holiday baking!! I want to keep this year relatively inexpensive so I might FINALLY get to take a vacation in 2012. You know like a REAL vacation where I get to leave my city, county, and state! I'm really wanting an Alaskan Cruise, but am not holding my breath for that to work out.
Any one want to pay me large sums for money for being cute, my opinion, or my leet movie reviews?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
How did I manage to hurt both feet in the same day? My right heel is in pain when I walk or put pressure on it and I broke my left big toe nail in half. So now when I walk both feet hurt..... 6 days to race day - uggh lets hope I heal!!
On the positive side I've been staying off my feet by reading a LOT! I am currently in the middle of book 3 of the A Song of Fire and Ice series. (The TV show A Game of Thrones is based on this series) I found the first book A Game of Thrones to be long and tedious - I mean come on 800+ pages that is a trudge even for me. I gave up after the first book and moved on to Harry Potter - now that's short and BORING, but I managed 3 of those books before I found my way back to The Song of Fire and Ice book 2 a Clash of Kings. The book pushed 900 pages, but I made it through in about 3 days pretty much devouring the book and thoroughly engrossing myself in the story. Now on book 3 A Storm of Swords and I'm two thirds through it and can't wait to finish and more excitedly can't wait for season 2 of the TV show!
On the positive side I've been staying off my feet by reading a LOT! I am currently in the middle of book 3 of the A Song of Fire and Ice series. (The TV show A Game of Thrones is based on this series) I found the first book A Game of Thrones to be long and tedious - I mean come on 800+ pages that is a trudge even for me. I gave up after the first book and moved on to Harry Potter - now that's short and BORING, but I managed 3 of those books before I found my way back to The Song of Fire and Ice book 2 a Clash of Kings. The book pushed 900 pages, but I made it through in about 3 days pretty much devouring the book and thoroughly engrossing myself in the story. Now on book 3 A Storm of Swords and I'm two thirds through it and can't wait to finish and more excitedly can't wait for season 2 of the TV show!
Friday, August 12, 2011
The best intentions
I always have the best blogging intentions! - Weekly, Daily, and Monthly post ideas, but they always fall through - I have tried segmenting my blogs into one for running/fitness, one that is required for school - so mostly Library Based, And this one as more of a personal/crafty blog. However, it seems the only one that gets updated regularly is the one for school - and thats just because the posts are required as a class grade!
Although after seeing a good friend over the last few weeks and how she looks forward to my posts I'm hoping to post more often and maybe just focus on this blog - and maybe the movie review blog that I do with my husband (If we ever actually go back to watching movies)
So this ones for you Buffy! Lets hope I can stick with it!! :)
Although after seeing a good friend over the last few weeks and how she looks forward to my posts I'm hoping to post more often and maybe just focus on this blog - and maybe the movie review blog that I do with my husband (If we ever actually go back to watching movies)
So this ones for you Buffy! Lets hope I can stick with it!! :)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I'm not dead!
I know its hard to believe, but I'm not dead! I just haven't been using my computer very much. In fact I haven't been crafting or photographing nearly as much as I should have been. Instead I've been running! My husband and I started the Couch to 5k program and are really loving it! We're just starting on week 4 and its getting pretty intense.
The odd thing is that I'm actually really enjoying it. I mean the pain can be unbearable, but I really don't want to stop!! We've signed up for 2 races so far! We'll be running in the MayFaire 5k on May 7th which is just after we finish the 5k program. Then in January of 2012 we are running in the Warrior Dash which totally looks crazy and fun.
I've also been reading The Non-runner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On with Your Training and although I know it will be a long way away I think it might be something I'd like to do! We've got a few other races to conquer first starting with our 5k, then a 10k, 15k, 1/2 marathon, and probably then the marathon. Its a long road, but running with my husband is one of my favorite parts of the day!!
I've also been eating a WHOLE lot healthier! LOW fat, LOW calorie, and HIGH protein. It really hasn't been as hard as I thought it would. We eat a ton of chicken and turkey and eggs! Brown rice, baked beans, green beans, and other random veggies. We've also added some low cal, low fat, low carb ice cream bars to the freezer so it feels a lot less like a diet and a lot more like heaven!
On the bright side I've lost 20 Freaking pounds! The down side is that my pants fall off and I don't have any bras that fit well. Oh poor poor me :) 5 more pounds and I'll be getting my nose pierced!
I think that is about all that is new as of late, but boy oh boy am I loving life a whole lot more now!
The odd thing is that I'm actually really enjoying it. I mean the pain can be unbearable, but I really don't want to stop!! We've signed up for 2 races so far! We'll be running in the MayFaire 5k on May 7th which is just after we finish the 5k program. Then in January of 2012 we are running in the Warrior Dash which totally looks crazy and fun.
I've also been reading The Non-runner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On with Your Training and although I know it will be a long way away I think it might be something I'd like to do! We've got a few other races to conquer first starting with our 5k, then a 10k, 15k, 1/2 marathon, and probably then the marathon. Its a long road, but running with my husband is one of my favorite parts of the day!!
I've also been eating a WHOLE lot healthier! LOW fat, LOW calorie, and HIGH protein. It really hasn't been as hard as I thought it would. We eat a ton of chicken and turkey and eggs! Brown rice, baked beans, green beans, and other random veggies. We've also added some low cal, low fat, low carb ice cream bars to the freezer so it feels a lot less like a diet and a lot more like heaven!
On the bright side I've lost 20 Freaking pounds! The down side is that my pants fall off and I don't have any bras that fit well. Oh poor poor me :) 5 more pounds and I'll be getting my nose pierced!
I think that is about all that is new as of late, but boy oh boy am I loving life a whole lot more now!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Headband and Hairbow Holder Tutorial
-Cotton Batting (like for quilts The cheap stuff is perfect I didn't have that so I used what I had)
-Fabric of your choice to cover container (I didn't measure but it can probably be done with a fat quarter)
-Hot glue gun and plenty of glue
-Coordinating construction paper
Step 1: Take cotton batting and wrap it around the container twice. I did this with the lid on so that I wouldn't accidentally glue it too high and then not be able to use the lid later! I glued one side seam, then did top and bottom at the same time in small sections, then did 2nd side seam and was able to trim extra off then.
Step 2: Since your fabric will be longer than your container just do the middle seam for now. Do one side. Wrap fabric around pulling tight and then glue down. If the edge is raw and fraying consider folding over before gluing for a more polished look.
Step 3: Starting on the bottom of your container. Trim fabric so its only has about an inch extra. Then slowly glue the excess fabric down stretching it tight as you go and smoothing wrinkles.
Step 4: This is pretty much step 3 repeated on the top only I glued in 2 places on the top. I did my first glue just over the lip of the container on the inside all the way around. Then I glued again under the lip (it sorta sticks out a little in the container.
Step 5: Cut 2 circles just smaller than your container one to cover the bottom to make it pretty and one for the lid.... Or skip the bottom I mean who looks at the bottom... and spray paint the lid :)
Step 6: (Optional) Use a piece of construction paper to cover the inside of the container. Cut to the same length as the inside of the container then glue inside to cover raw edges. (I don't know if I'll go back and do this for myself, but if I were making it for some one else I TOTALLY would!)
Step 7: Drill or use scissors to poke a hole in the top of the lid. Take a piece of ribbon and tie a bow with 2 reallllllly long ends and double knot it.... (like tying your shoe) then feed this into the hole in the lid. The knot should keep it from falling through. Then tie a knot on the inside of the lid to keep it from pulling out. Tie a knot in the end of each string that is hanging into the container to keep things from sliding off. (SOOOOO sorry there aren't more pictures of this step it was sort of a quick decision that turned out great but doesn't have pics, but look at the 2 pics at the top to sorta see what I mean!)
On the top I clipped a bow that I really like and thought looked good on top, but you could do anything to decorate the top or just leave with the little bow.
Then pile on the head bands and clip on the hair bows. My counter is a TON cleaner now and I can still see everything... and ACTUALLY find what I'm looking for!
Download this Tutorial as a PDF
***Please don't re-post my tutorial on your site or directly to my PDF instead PLEASE link to my blog post and let them get the tutorial from MY BLOG. I appreciate it a ton! ***
Friday, January 21, 2011
Hello Kitty Bow Tutorial and Giveaway
Bow Template
Black Felt
Red Felt (or any color you like)
Black Thread
White Marking Pencil or tailors chalk
Download and print the Bow Template and if you want the Tutorial Too. I print mine on Card-stock and think it gives it a bit more durability for multiple bows.
Step 1- Cut out Pattern Pieces (I don't cut those inner little circles I free hand those on the felt by site because they are too small to trace.)
Step 2: Cut out 3 felt pieces 2 Black and 1 pink (or what ever you want)
Step 3: Use fabric marking chalk to trace and then cut out the Front of the bow on the felt.
Step 4: Attach the little oval-ish piece to the back of the back piece of your bow. I use the machine for this part or double and triple stitch by hand for strength and durability.

Step 5: Sew around the edges of the top part of the bow (inside and out) see the picture. I did this in paint so you can sort of see where I sew
TA - DA!!!! Finished!
to wear slip a hair clip into the back and clip into hair, use a bobby pin, slip on a head band (See my Pic at top of post), use safety on an outfit or bag, or whatever! I totally want to see your finished products and HOW you wear them!!
***Please don't re-post my tutorial on your site or directly to my PDF instead PLEASE link to my blog post and let them get the tutorial and template from here. I appreciate it a ton! ***
GIVE AWAY! I'm feeling generous so I'm giving away one of my bows! You pick the color (Red, Pink, or Purple)....
1. Leave a comment telling me what color you would want and how you'd wear it and you're entered to win
2. Follow my blog and leave a second comment for a 2nd chance to win!
***Edit*** Winner will be picked Friday February 4th at 8pm Est (sorry I left this out before) ***
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Crock- Pot Chicken Alfredo
Crock pot Chicken Alfredo
2 - 4 Chicken breasts
16 oz Cream Cheese
2 Packets Italian dressing mix (I use 4 TBS homemade see recipe here)
2 cans Cream of Soup (pick your favorite chicken, mushroom, celery or mix and match)
6 TBS butter
Dump all in Crock-Pot and cook on high for 4 hours or low for 6-8 or until chicken is done. Shred with a fork. Serve over noodles and add broccoli if desired.
Beeps seriously DEVOURS this stuff. It really might be his Kryptonite! I like this stuff too and gladly make it for my loving hubby, but no where near as much as him. It is easy and delicious!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Ingredients -
Left over chicken from Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches (or cooked shredded chicken soaked in franks red hot sauce Or substitute canned chicken that is drained and soaked in franks)
1 Pizza Crust or dough or DIY crust
1 Block Cream Cheese
1/2 jar blue cheese dressing
1 cup (ish) Mozzarella Cheese
Blue cheese crumbles (optional)
Drizzle of Franks Red Hot Sauce (optional)
In a bowl mix softened cream cheese with blue cheese dressing and shredded chicken* Spread this mixture over prepared crust. Sprinkle with blue cheese crumbles and hot sauce (optional) then cover with Mozzarella cheese.
Bake at 400 for 20 to 25 minutes or until cheese is melty, golden, and delicious!
Cut and serve warm.... But Beeps and I think its better after its cooled off a bit and the cheese has had time to set a little.... THEN LOOK OUT WORLD!
***Make sure you drain the chicken a little if it is really juicy or your pizza may be a little soggy***
ENJOY! I know we did!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches
Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches
Super yummy and super easy!
3 - 6 boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 tbs butter
1 1/2 cups Franks Red Hot Sauce
1 packet Ranch Dressing mix
Rolls or bread
cheese of your choice (BLUE All the way here!)
Put chicken breasts in crock-pot. (They can be frozen!) Add 1 1/2 cup Franks Red Hot Sauce, 2 TBS butter, and 1 packet of ranch dressing mix. Cook on High for 4 hours or Low for 6. About an hour before serving open crock-pot and shred chicken with 2 forks. If low on liquid add more franks.
Serve on fresh rolls with blue cheese and additional hot sauce if needed. YUMM!!
ALSO Use leftovers to make Buffalo Chicken Pizza! I'll post a recipe soon!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Taco Soup
Here's a new Crock-Pot recipe that I've created! I forgot to take a picture!
Taco Soup
1 can of corn
1 can of black beans
1 can of red beans
1 can of rotel
2-3 chicken breasts cooked and cubed OR 1lb ground beef cooked and drained
1 cup salsa
2 TBS Taco Seasoning (or to taste for a more mild or spicy flavor)
3 cups of broth/water to cover
Salt and pepper to taste
Dump it all in a crock pot simmer all day! Then serve with chips or over rice or with quesadillas! YUMM!
The Hubbs and I both really enjoyed this and I'll definitely make it again. I though it was a little thin so I might add some wondra or flour to thicken next time depending on how I am serving it. Be warned the rotel makes it a bit spicy so if you like mild try a different canned diced tomato mix.
Taco Soup
1 can of corn
1 can of black beans
1 can of red beans
1 can of rotel
2-3 chicken breasts cooked and cubed OR 1lb ground beef cooked and drained
1 cup salsa
2 TBS Taco Seasoning (or to taste for a more mild or spicy flavor)
3 cups of broth/water to cover
Salt and pepper to taste
Dump it all in a crock pot simmer all day! Then serve with chips or over rice or with quesadillas! YUMM!
The Hubbs and I both really enjoyed this and I'll definitely make it again. I though it was a little thin so I might add some wondra or flour to thicken next time depending on how I am serving it. Be warned the rotel makes it a bit spicy so if you like mild try a different canned diced tomato mix.
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