Bow Template
Black Felt
Red Felt (or any color you like)
Black Thread
White Marking Pencil or tailors chalk
Download and print the Bow Template and if you want the Tutorial Too. I print mine on Card-stock and think it gives it a bit more durability for multiple bows.
Step 1- Cut out Pattern Pieces (I don't cut those inner little circles I free hand those on the felt by site because they are too small to trace.)
Step 2: Cut out 3 felt pieces 2 Black and 1 pink (or what ever you want)
Step 3: Use fabric marking chalk to trace and then cut out the Front of the bow on the felt.
Step 4: Attach the little oval-ish piece to the back of the back piece of your bow. I use the machine for this part or double and triple stitch by hand for strength and durability.

Step 5: Sew around the edges of the top part of the bow (inside and out) see the picture. I did this in paint so you can sort of see where I sew
TA - DA!!!! Finished!
to wear slip a hair clip into the back and clip into hair, use a bobby pin, slip on a head band (See my Pic at top of post), use safety on an outfit or bag, or whatever! I totally want to see your finished products and HOW you wear them!!
***Please don't re-post my tutorial on your site or directly to my PDF instead PLEASE link to my blog post and let them get the tutorial and template from here. I appreciate it a ton! ***
GIVE AWAY! I'm feeling generous so I'm giving away one of my bows! You pick the color (Red, Pink, or Purple)....
1. Leave a comment telling me what color you would want and how you'd wear it and you're entered to win
2. Follow my blog and leave a second comment for a 2nd chance to win!
***Edit*** Winner will be picked Friday February 4th at 8pm Est (sorry I left this out before) ***